January 18, 2020President of Inter religious center of Elbasan Dr. Arben Ramkaj took place in the General Assembly of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTPThe first meeting of the General Assembly of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP) was held in the building of the Academy of Sciences […]
January 27, 2020MARCH of PEACE 20VOLUNTEERING, a virtue of our beliefs that adds love and hope Mr. Sokol Lulgjuraj opened the March saying … “During the year that we just left […]
July 24, 2023Il Dialogo Interreligioso: il contributo dell’Albania nei BalcaniLa sessione di studio e ricerca si svolger‡ intorno al tema del contributo dellAlbania, attraverso le sue varie comunit‡ di fede, al dialogo interreligioso nellambito del […]