Message of Condolences and Solidarity to Italy

Message of Condolences and Solidarity to Italy

nr 168/2 prt † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † †Data 24/ 08/ 2016

Message of Condolences and Solidarity

His Excellency Ambassador Alberto Cutillo

The Ambassador of Italy in Albania

The Committee of Interreligious Collaboration Center in Elbasan, painfully learned by the media for that heavy earthquake that chocked your country with more tragic consequences, with so many victims, in central Italy.

We express our condolences for the lost lives full of horror, under the ruins of the earthquake and also express our solidarity with the Italian people, who always found himself near us in the difficult moments of our nation.

We pray that the souls of the victims of the earthquake rest in peace, we ask God to grant eternal cessation and light unfinished, and all the Italian people give strength to cope with dignity and courage damage caused by this earthquake .



The Committee of Interreligious Collaboration Center in Elbasan

Arben Ramkaj Cv
August 18, 2016
Meeting with Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination
September 19, 2016
Arben Ramkaj Cv
August 18, 2016
Meeting with Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination
September 19, 2016