Think tanks from the region debate current EU integration process amidst expected developments
January 22, 2020Il Dialogo Interreligioso: il contributo dell’Albania nei Balcani
July 24, 2023MARCH of PEACE 20
VOLUNTEERING, a virtue of our beliefs that adds love and hope
Mr. Sokol Lulgjuraj opened the March saying … “During the year that we just left behind, our country faced many different challenges but culminated in the earthquakes of September and November, with severe consequences, both with the lives lost under the rubble and the destruction of our homes. and buildings in some areas that we have already seen and touched by many of us, contributing little to the elimination of the consequences. This situation sensitized the entire nation and beyond by strengthening us in brotherhood, but also highlighted many deficiencies in some directions and links, both during the emergency rescue precursor and afterwards in the care and shelter of those affected by it. natural disaster, which invites us all to reflect.
So we thought and would like to urge all stakeholders and stakeholders this year to work in this direction, both to increase the capacity of institutions and individuals to respond more effectively to such disasters, and to raise awareness of people to be involved in organizations and organizations that aim to volunteer and coordinate actions in a more organized and professional way and with dedication.
after all leaders took their speech