to Ambassador of Germany †in Albania Dear Excellency, Ambassador Susanne Sch¸tz With deep sorrow, †the Cooperation Committee of the Interfaith Center of Elbasan, learned about the […]
Leaders of QBNFE held today, on Wednesday 21 December 2016 a meeting with the newly appointed Archbishop of the Diocese of Tirana – DurrÎs, Monsignor George […]† QBNF†with Red Cross Albania, †03 January 2017, in†”Hotel Skampa International Elbasan, with†the presence†of local religious leaders and media, †started a 10 day campaign to raise […]
Interfaith Committee of QBNF held today 15 March 2017 a round-table with †Dear guests OSCE Ambassador Bernard Borchardt and President of Nehemiah Mr. Arnold Geiger with†their […]